fitness and nutrition articles for affiliates use:

For Affiliates :  If you want to send your readers directly to any of these landing pages below through a redirected hoplink, simply use the link format shown in the first article below, and swap out the correct PID number. Also make sure to substitute your affiliate id instead of xxxx.   Your aff id will be tracked correctly.  You can also add a tracking id (TID) as a parameter on the hoplink too as shown below...

Example format of hoplink:

2 Simple steps to REMOVE visceral belly fat (the DEADLIEST type)    
link format -- (swap out xxxx for your aff id, and swap the pid= for appropriate landing page pid below that you want)

Here are some of the top converting article pages on TAA that you can send your readers directly to below... All you need to do is do a quick 1-2 sentence intro and use the headline that I have below, with the correct formatted link, and use in your email newsletters, blogs, or websites.

This is one of the BEST ways to make LOTS of revenue while enhancing the relationship with your readers instead of pounding them with "promo" after promo.

My top recommended articles for you to use is this first section below (these pages have been optimized to deliver great content but also transition the reader into the proper sales page at the end of the articles)

FYI - these headlines below for #'s 1-30 have been tested and work well!  

For conversions, article #s 1-4 can't go wrong, and 6-9 are also some of the highest performing in terms of sales.

FatBurningKitchen Related Landing Pages:

  1. This plant food HARMS your metabolism & heart (caused heart attacks in New Zealand study) pid=240  [the #1 highest converting landing page for FBK!]
  2. 2 Simple steps to REMOVE visceral belly fat (the DEADLIEST type)     pid=70  (this is our newest modified page and is now TIED as our #1 converting landing page for FBK)
  3. Broccoli & your abdominal fat?   (odd fat-fighters)  pid=248  [2nd highest converting article for FBK funnel]
  4. Red wine and your GUT?  (study results)  pid=468   [3rd or 4th highest converting article for FBK funnel]

  5. These CEREALS destroy your hormones, ZAP your energy, and cause weight gain  (avoid these) pid=560  [tied for 3rd or 4th highest converting article for FBK funnel]
  6. 7 "fatty" foods for a flat stomach  (delicious but healthy) pid=282  [very popular content and decent sales]
  7. 1 Unique spice that beats abdominal fat  (plus controls blood sugar)  pid=275  [This is killer for some list types and mediocre to other lists; worth a try though]

  8. The DIRTY truth about canola oil   pid=239 [popular content for variety]

  9. 6 Cooking oils to NEVER eat (yes they are THAT deadly)    pid=119
  10. The top 5 healthiest condiments (and the WORST)    pid=366
  11. The Salad Dressing to NEVER Eat    pid=293  (great open rates and people love the content)
  12. Drink this 2 hrs before bed to sleep better  (plus 5 tips for insomnia)  pid=479   (another great option for variety and great content)
  13. Never grill meat, unless you do THIS first   pid=480   (killer open rates, great clicks, medium conversions)
  14. 3 Foods that you should STOP eating    pid=308  [popular content and decent sales]

    101 Anti-Aging Foods Related Landing Pages  

  15. Direct to sales page: The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging  -- use pid=435 
  16. The #1 WORST food for your skin, joints & blood sugar?   pid=445  (highest converting landing page for 101 anti-aging foods funnel )
  17. These 4 foods accelerate AGING in your body (avoid!)  pid=434  
  18. Drink THIS first thing in the morning (3 major benefits)   pid=472  (2nd highest converting article for 101 foods funnel)

  19. The #1 MOST harmful food for your brain (beware)  pid=450  (3rd highest converting article for 101foods funnel )
  20. This food CAUSES cancer, heart disease, diabetes & abdominal fat (do you eat it daily?)  pid=418 
  21. These types of SATURATED fat actually SLOW aging in your body    pid=540
  22. This "healthy" food DAMAGES your heart  (causes artery stress)  pid=506  (converts well to health lists)

    Other Quality Landing Pages to try in your emails, blogs, etc:

  23. Energy Drinks - Do They Make You Fat?      pid=105

  24. The TRUTH about egg yolks     pid=155

  25. 1 Trick to flatten your stomach while driving    pid=236  [this one is for our "sneaky weight loss tricks" offer and does well]
  26. Are you buying "toxic fish" at the grocery store?   pid=290
  27. My Top 55 Flat-Belly Foods     pid=48
  28. 1 Obscure Trick to Make ANY Exercise Program More Effective   pid=297

  29. Does canned food and bottled drinks increase abdominal fat?   pid=331

  30. The top 3 foods to AVOID at restaurants   pid=170

  31. The top 10 spices that boost your metabolism   pid=414  

  32. Coffee: 3 tricks to make it super-healthy   pid=363


 Please note:

If you would like to link directly to our highly popular Fat Burning Kitchen program, you can use the page id listed below.  The Fat Burning Kitchen program is a different offer than TruthAboutAbs and converts great to lists that have already seen TruthAboutAbs multiple times in the past.

The Fat-Burning Kitchen   pid=240

Another new offer:

If you want to direct link to our brand new best-seller called
The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging -- use pid=435



Here are some more great articles that you can choose to send to your lists or use textlinks to these articles on your blogs, etc.   

(Note:  these pages below are NOT optimized for sales, so don't use these for affiliate promotions unless you have a good strategy in mind to promote a product with them;  Contact us via email if you want to use  any of the content below INSIDE your own emails and then promote one of our products at the end of that email)



The health benefits of turmeric     pid=254

A weird and overlooked animal-based Super-Food     pid=250

The Top 10 Superfoods you need to know      pid=180

Pistachios nutrition - one of the healthiest snack foods     pid=256

The superfood status of your garnish - kale      pid=257

A high protein berry with 5x the antioxidants of blueberries      pid=263

The high-protein pseudo-grain that's gluten-free       pid=267


2 types of food making you fatter       pid=224

Grocery Store Mistakes in Choosing Healthy Foods     pid=113


3 Random Fitness Tips - involving watermelon, onions, and crazy workouts      pid=189

Are You Addicted to Aggressive Tastes? Eating habit causes weight gain     pid=196


Is Saturated Fat Actually Bad for You, or a Myth?     pid=156


How to Make Exercise Fun Again... it Won't Work if You Don't Enjoy it!      pid=116

Healthy Mid-Meal Ideas for Quick Fat Loss Foods between breakfast, lunch, and dinner      pid=112

The Worst Abs Exercise Ever - Avoid This if You Actually Want Abs     pid=122


Eating Healthy While Dining Out is Almost Impossible, Unless...     pid=170

Losing Belly Fat with 2 Vital Strategies; Healthy Turkey-Bean Recipe     pid=93


Bodyweight Squats Muscular Endurance 5-Minute Challenge      pid=96

Healthy Meal Plans for Fat Loss - My Delicious Mexican Fat Burning Recipe      pid=97


The Ultimate Muscle Meal... a Salad on Roids    pid=100

Lose Fat Naturally... without Rip-off Supplements    pid=106